Wednesday, September 25, 2024

M.U.G.E.N 1.xx: Engine Patches

Oh, hello, readers.

I never thought I would end up creating a blog entry for this, as the latter was not even in my plans, but well... I have created these engine patches, which allow you to create simul matches with a maximum of 4 characters instead of 2, while some additional code fixes were implemented in said patches.

Engine Version Download Links:

As expected from engine patches, unpredictable results could occur if known exploits are triggered in this program version, so keep it in mind while selecting your characters.

I already know engine patches that implement this have already been released, but these patch versions also fixes some primary code defects.

Additionally, the 1.1b patch version has been updated to make it compatible with one of the most known add-ons, MUGENHook.

Are you looking for the WinMUGEN patch version? Click here then.

WinMUGEN: NomiShell - SuperNull Code Multi-Loader

Good evening, readers.  This is a SuperNull exploit code loader, created by me for the author Nomi , that allows you to execute your charact...