Wednesday, September 25, 2024

M.U.G.E.N 1.xx: Engine Patches

Oh, hello, readers.

I never thought I would end up creating a blog entry for this, as the latter was not even in my plans, but well... I have created these engine patches, which allow you to create simul matches with a maximum of 4 characters instead of 2, while some additional code fixes were implemented in said patches.

Patch Feature - Corrected Versus Screen
Patch Feature - Position Adjustment
Engine Version Download Links:

As expected from engine patches, unpredictable results could occur if known exploits are triggered in this program version, so keep it in mind while selecting your characters.

I already know engine patches that implement this have already been released, but these patch versions also fixes some primary code defects.

Additionally, the 1.1b patch version has been updated to make it compatible with one of the most known add-ons, MUGENHook.

There is also a WinMUGEN patch version in case you need it.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

M.U.G.E.N 1.1b: EikiLoader.EX - Postman Reloader

Good evening, readers. 

On this occassion, I have created a Reloader template from the EikiLoader.EX program for this engine version, that allows you to load a full version of your character while creating another instance of the process in a similar way to the Postman method.

This exploit template uses the STBOF vulnerability, which we have already talked about previously, to execute its shellcode.

Character Thumbnail - Qvorda

(> Download Here <)

After downloading this exploit template, you will have to read the "ReadMe" text file to implement it in your character properly, before executing the Reloader shellcode. 

You can use this to create your SuperNull/Reloader characters easily without the need of creating complex ROP chains to execute similar code.

This is all for now. Have a nice day.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

M.U.G.E.N 1.00: ST Filepath - Buffer Overflow Attack

Good evening, friends.
It has been a while since I have not talked about engine vulnerabilities, but I think this is the right time to start talking about this new vulnerability.

This research was born from Nomi's ideas about trying to overflow the ST filepath line in WinMUGEN, which motivated me to investigate said insight in M.U.G.E.N 1.00; and as expected, it is possible to perform a buffer overflow attack from there by creating a very long filepath string that overwrites the character loader's buffer region including the return address, allowing us to execute our ROP chain.

This exploit can be used on both M.U.G.E.N 1.00 and 1.1b, but the main downside is not default-processing reversible, which currently restricts its use to SuperNull:Reloader characters only.

(> More information will be added soon <)

Sample Picture - Barkiel vs Einherjar

Due to nature of the ROP exploit technique, do not expect this exploit to work on all the computers, so beware of it.

Well, that is all for today, have a nice day.