Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Eikidankai Development Log(1)

Eikidankai Development Log:
Catching the WinMUGEN primary thread.

The development of Eikidankai has been somewhat tedious to program, as when there is an interesting function to add into the coding, it mostly implies to modify the structure of all the code to implement it, or else I would not be able to perform that.
That is why I am taking over 2 years or more to program that, well...

One of the functions I had implemented some months ago was the ability to manipulate the primary thread of WinMUGEN, which in the previous versions of Eikidankai were not able to perform it.

In this case, I used the SuspendThread function from an external thread to freeze the primary one.

WinMUGEN before getting suspended by Eikidankai.


The suspend count has been increased by 1.

That is all for now, have a nice day or night.
Stay tuned for upcoming posts!

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